I've thought about this post for some time....and like most days I am reminded of how different we envisioned Millie's 1st Birthday. Should I write about how "weird" it feels, should I write about how our lives are different....but I want to write a birthday post like I would for Neal or Sam... after all, that's what Millie deserves, to know how happy we were on that day, waiting for her to be with us :)
I woke up on the 5th and instantly knew she would come that day, in fact, I called Penn and told him. (Side note: I miscarried our last pregnancy whose due date was 8/24, and see the boys birthdays are 7/29 and 8/29, mine is 6/3 and Penn's is 9/26... kinda all together. So, once we healed from the loss we said it would be nice to have a birthday separate from the others, maybe like, I don't know...in March! And we did NOT plan Millie to have a birthday in March! Now, I believe in all kinds of divine recognition and 3/6/12 is also great numerology, and they are all multiples of 3- a number meaning divine perfection...Also, it is the exact opposite of mine- 3/6 and 6/3! Coincidences?! I think not....)
I was even so sure I went in and told my boss I was in labor and might have to leave to go to the hospital. Yes, I went in to work that day LOL! I figured it would be better than sitting around waiting for labor to kick up.
Most of the day is a blur...work, emails, phone calls, chatting with work buds...I do vividly remember getting in the car to leave, a bit early, and as soon as I did I felt the first light contraction.
Once I got home, they intensified a bit, but still manageable. Being evening by that time, my mom came over to stay with the boys in case we went in during the night and I called my midwife. The midwife on call said to take a bath and then see how I felt. I kinda giggled...I knew I was in labor but wanting to labor at home as long as possible (without giving birth unassisted LOL! If you remember from before, we have very quick births that have always been at home and Penn's BIGGEST fear was that HE would have to deliver the baby!)
Penn kept asking do we stay or do we go? We were both tired so I said lets lay down and see how it goes....just as Penn had fallen asleep I said OK, lets go. We let my mom know we were going and got in the car. It was pretty late by then, about 11:45 PM, so no one was on the roads (which was MY biggest fear, traffic!!) so we zipped on to Vanderbilt and got there at 11:57. I did not like laboring in a car...those of you women who have done that before,you are awesome!!
They sent us to delivery check in where they placed us in a monitoring room. I specifically asked for NO monitoring (that belt you wear with all the wires...) but they said "its policy" and said it would only be minimal. An HOUR AND A HALF later I still had the belt on and had to push... They said there weren't any rooms available and they were looking for a place to put us...busy night!
I told them I needed to use the bathroom so they unhooked me, however once I sat down I knew what was happening....I couldn't get up and they finally came to check on me. I told them I was ready to have this baby. They said a room was available and let's go. I started out walking, since it is better for labor, but being that I was fully dilated at that time, decided to take a ride in the wheelchair (though I dont think I actually sat in it, just kinda hovered over the seat!).
Once we got in the room I headed RIGHT for the bathroom. The nurses said "Now Nicole, you cant have that baby in the toilet!" I told them I could not possibly LAY on a bed. Since I couldn't really explain at the moment how I liked to give birth, Penn was a life saver! He told them in what positions we had delivered the last two. They raised the back of the bed and said to lean over it, I did, it felt like heaven!!
Its a bit of a blur but I think they said "you can start pushing now" and they yelled for a midwife. Once the midwife came in and gloved up, my water broke like a tidal wave, they said there was meconium in the fluids, asked if this was normal, I said no. I think I pushed twice, it was 1:56 AM and Millie came flying out so fast she startled the midwife!!
They instantly cut the chord (not at all in our birth plan) and took her over to a bunch of nurses who where suctioning her out. Penn said they kept saying "Come and see your baby!" but he said there were so many nurses around her that he couldn't!! She did not cry, I remember that. She was 6.5 lbs, much smaller than the boys. But LORD was she pretty! Penn and I both declared her to be Sam's twin! Nurses cleared out, I turned on Pandora to my Louie Armstrong channel and Penn and I breathed her in :)
I won't get into all the other issues, they don't matter much anymore...this is the story of how Millie entered the world, displaying her personality and determination....at full force! Making funny faces, because she is Silly Millie, and a bit quite, not much to say but when she speaks you better listen!
I can say that we had never imagined we would learn so much from such a tiny little person. I've learned to appreciate the very small and simple things each day. She has opened up a world we didn't know existed...a world most people don't know exists. She teaches us something new everyday, and not just about her but about ourselves. She has shifted many of our beliefs both big and small. We are so very grateful to have her with us :) I've said before we are waiting for a miracle but we are learning the miracles are happening, within us...and all thanks to our Miss Millie.
I want to thank ALL of those who have donated to Millie!! Our family, FB friends, Sylvan Park friends, friends old and new and those who are anonymous, Thank You from the very top, corners and bottom of our hearts!!!
And now, PICTURES with theme music! (sorry for the arrangement, they have a mind of their own!!!)
Getting some love from Neal <3 |
Sissy and Millie on Christmas Eve, you can just SEE the love from Mill! |
Halloween, shes a ghost! |
Millie has LOTS of great outfits... |
and LOVES to show them off! |
She's the Cat's Meow! |
Happy Girl!! |
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