Friday, March 15, 2013

What a 7 hour ER stay taught me....

I really want to do a post about our ER visit Tuesday, but it was so emotionally exhausting!!!  It makes me so angry and reliving it just stirs the same feelings over and over.  I kept thinking "How can I take this anger and resentment for then and find the positive in it?!?!"  I mentioned before all the things Millie is teaching us in our daily lives... and this morning on my coffee cup I have the adage "Be the change you want to see in the world..." and said "damnit I'm gonna try!"  And let me say this post did NOT start out as the following finished product, it is, as always, a work in progress and THIS is how it progressed:

I learned yesterday that the meaning of the word "educate" stems from the Latin word "educere", which is a combination of 2 words "e" meaning out, and "ducere" meaning from within. Together "educere" literally means "to lead forth from within".  Think about that for a moment...."educate" ORIGINALLY means to bring out from WITHIN.

Society has bent and misrepresented this word to lead us to believe that OTHERS "educate" us, like it is something physically done to us.  However its the opposite; educate is to bring forth what is IN US, what already exists!!  (MINDBLOW!!) "Educators" find the potential in each of us and help us tap, explore and harness that which is within us, the knowledge we all have.

So I did this beautiful word 'educate" come to be so mangled that it is used AGAINST us?!  I have some ideas, and I know it has taken centuries to come about.  And what if its not only this word, what if OTHER words have been used and abused, manipulated to distort our perceptions and's essentially slight-of-hand, something SO minute that no one notices originally, but when left unchecked becomes a monster.  

Now this could lead me talking about standardized tests in public schools or the government or the fact that we all need to learn to listen to our own inner guidance more and exterior stimuli less or even that we need to set aside our egos and learn to listen and embrace other's ideas....but I'll let it take you where ever you feel like it should....

It may seem this post strays a bit from discussing what is going on with Millie and what the 7 hour ER visit was contraire.  The 7 hour ER visit was initiated by our pediatrician.  She had a low rectal temp so they sent us to the ER.  Her temp at Vandy Children's was normal, blood work within normal (higher platelet count, white cell count slightly high), chest x-ray appeared "cloudy" but sputum (snot) samples were normal, flu panel negative, waiting for RSV panel but it will take a few days, urine panel normal.  We left with no diagnosis other than she may be coming down with something and to keep and eye on her.  However, after much thought, it appears the 7 hours was to allow me time to read and learn and I would NOT have taken that time had I been home.  Thus, Millie is allowing me time to learn, discover and grow.

...and THAT folks is the good I found in the 7 hour ER stay!  

My question to you is what are you writing off with anger?  Is it a person, a job, an idea you had or possibly an idea someone ELSE had??

I finally found the good in Tuesday, though stewing over it that night and even while trying to write this post was unpleasant   I write SEVERAL posts that I never publish, almost like a journal.  Through my editing of this post is how I found the beauty in Tuesday, almost like a light bulb that just CLICK! turned on.

Maybe you should start a journal and see what you can learn from those bothersome encounters you have today.  That's what Marvelous Millie is teaching take time to learn.

XOXO Millie and Mom

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